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At its 355th session, the members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) first discussed the proposed amendments to the Act Governing the Register of Insured Persons and Beneficiaries of Rights Provided under Pension and Disability Insurance. They decided to continue coordination on the proposed amendments.

They then took note of the budget documents, with the Slovenian Government committing itself to take into account as much as possible the feedback received from the social partners. Members also took note of the proposed amendments to the Excise Duty Act, the starting points for drafting the Employee Ownership Cooperative Ac and the starting points for amending the Personal Assistance Act. They agreed to discuss the draft Personal Assistance Act at the next regular session of the ESC.

Before concluding, the ESC also approved the proposal for the ratification of two ILO Conventions: the Safe and Healthy Working Environment Convention, 2023 (No. 191), and the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190).


At today’s session, the Economic and Social Council (the ESS) agreed to set the coefficient of the adjustment of allowances and the scale for personal income tax assessment for 2025 in the amount of 100% of the growth of the average monthly wages of employees in Slovenia for the month of June of the current year compared to the month of June of the previous year.

The ESS took note of the draft Medium-term Fiscal and Structural Framework and the envisaged updates to the Fiscal Rule Act. In the future, the Economic and Social Council will examine the proposed report on the Medium-term Fiscal and Structural Framework on an annual basis.

At today’s session, the Ministry of Finance gave a brief presentation of the budget documents to the ESS members. The documents will be discussed at the next regular session in October.


At today’s session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the annual report on reading literacy and called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to develop, in cooperation with the social partners, measures to halt the declining trend of reading literacy.

The ESC also took note of the report on the work of the expert committee on finance and tax legislation that had previously examined the proposed amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act, the Value Added Tax Act, the Fiscal Verification of Invoices Act, the Tax Procedure Act and the Real Property Mass Valuation Act. The Committee will discuss the proposed act amending the Excise Duty Act and an adjustment of the scale for personal income tax assessment and allowances for 2025.

Furthermore, the ESC took note of the report of the expert committee tasked with monitoring upcoming changes in the healthcare system and, after a debate, supported the draft act on the right of patients who recovered from cancer or certain other diseases to equal access to insurance and credit products. The employers abstained in the vote on the act on quality in healthcare.

The ESC has established an expert committee to monitor the implementation of the act on long-term care. The ESS has also been appointed as a consultative body to advise the competent authorities on issues related to statutory minimum wages for the purposes of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the European Union.


At today’s session, the Government and the social partners reached an agreement on the timetable, dynamics and negotiation process for drafting amendments to pension and disability insurance. The negotiations are scheduled to take place on a weekly basis from September 2024 to February 2025.

The Economic and Social Council has established an expert committee on the employment of foreign workers, which is set to begin its work in September, once the timetable and action plan have been finalised. Furthermore, discussions between the Government and social partners will begin in autumn regarding amendments to the Order determining occupations, and the provision of cross-border services.

The Economic and Social Council also took note of the report on the work of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for 2023, as well as the annual report on the implementation of the Rules on occupational diseases.


The Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the starting points for the drafting of the act amending the Health Services Act, the act on quality in healthcare and the act on the right of former cancer patients to equal access to insurance and credit products. The drafts of these three acts will be discussed by the already established ESC expert committee on labour and social affairs tasked with monitoring future changes in the healthcare system. It will meet as often as required for the members of the ESC to participate at expert level in the Government's activities in the health sector.

Having been briefed on the proposed amendments to tax regulations, the ESC set up an ESC expert committee on finance and tax legislation.

Furthermore, when discussing the starting points for amendments to the Labour and Social Security Registers Act, the ESC established an expert committee that will examine problems associated with individual activities, determine whether amendments to the act are needed and draft such amendments.


OECD experts visited key line ministries and other institutions in order to obtain as much information as possible in various areas during their visit to Slovenia to prepare the new Economic Survey for Slovenia. In addition to a general analysis for Slovenia, the document will also include recommendations.

At the meeting of the social partners with representatives of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on Friday 24 November 2023, the discussion was divided into two parts.

The first part of the discussion focused on the general macroeconomic situation in Slovenia and the situation on the labour market, the financial system and the green transition, as well as gender equality. The second part of the discussion concerned the challenges of housing policy.


The President of the Economic and Social Council Mr. Jakob Počivavšek, the President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovenia PERGAM, addressed a letter to the members of the Council today, urging them to renew social dialogue and warning them of the detrimental effects of inaction and differences between the social partners.

The Economic and Social Council, which should be the social dialogue hub of Slovenia, is currently not functioning, as a result of the decision of employers’ organisations to temporarily withdraw from ESC membership until the conditions for an equal tripartite social dialogue, based on compliance with the ESC’s Rules of Procedure, are met.

Slovenia is currently facing major challenges, in whose resolution the social partners will also have to play their role. A number of reforms are being prepared on the basis of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, which will require a broad social consensus that can and should be primarily possible and necessary to achieve between the social partners. Some suggestions, for example on the baselines for the pension and disability insurance reform, have already been forwarded to the social partners, and they are also waiting for a proposal for a comprehensive healthcare reform. Based on the existing tradition in adopting such reforms, it is, from the point of view of their legitimacy and, last but not least, wider acceptability, impossible to imagine the preparation and adoption of these reforms without the cooperation and consensus of the social partners.

In addition, Slovenia faces the task of redressing the consequences of the devastating floods which occurred at the beginning of August and the preparation and adoption of rehabilitation measures. Many of these measures, including intervention measures, which are already under consideration in the legislative procedure, and those that will subsequently be adopted, concern practically all entities and directly concern the areas that are considered as fundamental by the Economic and Social Council. It is imperative that the subjects of social dialogue should also include intervention measures, particularly remedial measures, which should also be systemic to a greater extent. The social dialogue must have its place in this process and time available in which reasoned discussions can be held.

As the current Chairman of the Economic and Social Council, he therefore particularly appeal on the employers’ organisations and the Government to call a meeting of the Economic and Social Council at their earliest possible convenience in order to reach agreement on continuing the work of the Council, since, in view of the above, he believes that the ESC’s effective functioning is also, or indeed especially, necessary in the present circumstances.

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The employers’ organisations that are members of the Economic and Social Council – the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, the Association of Employers of Slovenia, and the Association of Employers in Craft and Small Business of Slovenia – have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction and concern about the inadequate social dialogue at tripartite level and the repeated violation of the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the competent ministries.

In the letter they informed the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Robert Golob, and the President of the Economic and Social Council, Mr. Jakob Počivavšek, that they are withdrawing from the Economic and Social Council, at least until the conditions for a tripartite social dialogue based on the respect of the ESC’s Rules of Procedure are provided.

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Representatives of the Pension Fund Management (Kapitalska družba, d.d.) presented the proposed amendments to the Occupational Pensions Scheme, which were agreed with by the members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC). The participants of the session then took note of the information on the implementation of the activities of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and adopted the decision that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia would prepare, by 25 August 2023, a set of legislative proposals necessary for the implementation of this Plan, which would then be the subject of coordination in the social dialogue within the timeframe set for this dialogue.
The ESC members also agreed with the proposal for the Regulation on ensuring safety and health in manual handling of loads, with the amendments of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities resulting from the debate and the extension of the transition period to 12 months. The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities will issue a public call for tenders for the development of risk assessment guidelines within 8 days of the adoption of the Regulation on ensuring health and safety in manual handling of loads.


    The Economic and Social Council, in the context of its discussion on the conduct of social dialogue and violations of the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council, noted that social dialogue is crucial in the process of drafting and adopting legislation. The current shortcomings in social dialogue will be addressed by complying with the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council in the future.

      At the beginning of its session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the proposal for an act governing certain issues related to minor offences committed during the period when COVID-19 measures were in force, and of the opinion on the proposal for the Act Amending the Animal Protection Act. The members of the ESC endorsed the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food to propose, together with stakeholders, to the National Assembly amendments that will ensure that there is no interference with the independence of inspectors and with inspection procedures and that there is a clear division of competencies between the inspectors and the authorised animal protection advisers.
      Taking note of the 22nd report of the Republic of Slovenia on the implementation of the European Social Charter, ESC members agreed that within 10 days, the social partners are to send to the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities any written comments, which will be submitted to the Council of Europe together with the report.
      Representatives of the ministries responsible for finance and labour informed ESC members of the interim report of the ESC expert committee on drafting a proposal for the Transnational Provision of Services Act concerning the measures to maintain the competitiveness of the export-oriented service sector of the Slovenian economy. It was decided that no later than on 16 June 2023, the Ministry of Finance will send to the social partners a written reply regarding the timeline for the preparation of measures to maintain the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy.
      The members of the ESC also took note of the opinion on the proposal for the Act Amending the Healthcare and Health Insurance Act submitted to the National Assembly by a group of deputies led by Borut Sajovic, of the 2022 report on the implementation of government measures concerning labour market and of the interim report of the ESC negotiating team for drafting the amended Employment Relationships Act and the planned activities and timeline for the amended act.
      At the end of the session, the members of the ESC agreed that no later than on 16 June 2023, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is to send a written reply as to why the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council were not observed with regard to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act, whose content was extended with the institution of widow's/widower's pensions.

        The members of the Economic and Social Council took note of the report of the Negotiating Group on the proposed Health Information System Act and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia Act regarding the draft Healthcare Digitisation Act and the materials sent to the members on 30 May 2023. As they had not received the clean copy of the draft Act, it was agreed that the line ministry would send it at a later date.

        The social partners also called on the Ministry of Health to take the utmost account of the comments and suggestions made during the debate on the two items on the agenda of the session, as well as to take into account the warnings of the Information Commissioner.


        The Economic and Social Council first took note of the bases for the establishment of a long-term care system and set up an ESC Negotiating Team for the preparation of the Draft Long-Term Care Act and the Intervention Act in the field of human resources in social care and health care for social care providers.

        Then the members took note of and supported the Draft Act Amending the Social Assistance Act. They called on the Ministry of a Solidarity-Based Future and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to take maximum account of the comments made in the discussion when making the Draft Act Amending the Social Assistance Act and the Draft Long-Term Care Act.


        At this session the Economic and Social Council took note of the Draft Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budget for the period 2024-2026 and the Draft Stability Programme 2023.


        The Economic and Social Council (ESC) first took note of the report on further activities regarding digital literacy in the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Digital Coalition and then also of the second draft of the National Reform Programme. With regard to the latter, the Ministry of Finance was asked to take the utmost account of the comments made by the members during the debate, in particular in the area of social dialogue.

        In the course of the session, the members of the ESC also took note of the proposal for the Act amending the Institutes Act, whereby the representatives of the trade unions and employers called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to withdraw the Act from the legislative procedure, and the members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia to adopt a decision that the Act amending the Institutes Act is not suitable for further consideration. However, the Government representatives in the ESC insisted that the legislative procedure on this Act should continue.


        At today's extraordinary session, the Economic and Social Council took note of two proposed Acts: the Health Information System Act and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia Act.

        For further consideration of both Acts, the Economic and Social Council established a Negotiating Group on the proposed Health Information System Act and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia Act.


          At the latest meeting, the members of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) first took note of the analysis of mechanisms in competitor countries for posting workers abroad and the analysis of the production and sales prices of electricity in Slovenia prepared by the Ministry of Finance.

          The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities then presented the amendments to the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act, highlighting the call on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to strictly comply with the Rules of Procedure of the ESC when considering all laws in the field of the ESC.

          Before the end of the meeting, the ESC took note of the draft National Reform Programme and agreed that coordination with the social partners would take place on a ministry-by-ministry basis, depending on the areas covered by the ministries.


          On Thursday, 23 February 2023, the social partners, representatives of the employers' and employees' organisations in Slovenia that are members of the ESS, met with the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit. During his visit, the Commissioner highlighted the European Commission's proposals in his field, such as measures to improve working conditions in platform work and support the sustainable growth of digital labour platforms in the European Union, the European Year of Skills, and initiatives in the field of social dialogue. He also touched on the minimum wage, long-term care and the challenges posed by the rising cost of living, the energy crisis and labour market shortages.

          Representatives of the employers' and trade union organisations then gave their views on the issues raised, devoting a few words to financial support for strengthening the competences of the social partners.

          345th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 17 February 2023

          Under the first item on the agenda, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of and approved the proposed amendments to the Act Regulating the Procedure for Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Practising Regulated Professions (the ZPPPK).

          The members of the ESC also took note of the analysis of the Slovenian health care situation, with a presentation of the coalition’s starting points for reform given by the Minister of Health. The ESC called upon the Ministry of Health to involve the social partners in further steps towards healthcare reform as soon as possible.

          344th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 13 January 2023

          At the first session of the year, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the proposal for the Act Amending the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act drafted by the Ministry of Justice, of a follow-up report concerning the Strategy for the Development and Use of Skills for Slovenia drafted by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport, and of the draft Rules on occupational diseases prepared by the Ministry of Health.

          The ESC members were also briefed on the draft amendment to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act prepared by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities on the basis of the decision by the National Assembly's Committee on Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Disability.
          The Committee called on the Ministry to draft an amendment to comprehensively address and remedy the anomaly in taking into account the pension base in the case of an insured person with a disability who, in accordance with their remaining capacity for work, has worked less than full time while receiving partial compensation for the difference to full-time work under Article 86 of the Pension and Invalidity Insurance Act.

          Following the announcement by the Minister of Labour to prepare one of the key reforms of the current government, the ESC has set up a negotiating group to prepare pension legislation.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) began its session by taking note of the Plan for the implementation of active employment policy measures for 2023 and 2024. During the discussion of the Report of the ESC negotiating team on the drafting of the proposal for the Transnational Provision of Services Act the members of the ESC decided that the ESC should establish a Committee of Experts of the ESC to prepare solutions to maintain competitiveness in the transnational provision of services, with the aim of assessing in detail the effects of the deletion of paragraph 2 of Article 144 of the Pension and Disability Insurance Act by the end of 2022 and analysing the mechanism in competitor countries for posting workers abroad by February 2023. By the end of March 2023, the Committee of Experts will propose internationally comparable measures to maintain the competitiveness of the export-oriented sector of the Slovenian economy, including changes in the area of taxes. The social partners agreed to amend the proposal for the Transnational Provision of Services Act in such a way that parts of the Act related to the deletion of paragraph 2 of Article 144 of the Pension and Disability Insurance Act will apply as of 1 January 2024.

          Before the end of the meeting, the social partners approved the amendments to the Decree on the tax treatment of reimbursement of costs and other income from employment proposed by the negotiating team.

          343rd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 2 December 2022

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: ESC) took note of the draft Act Governing Aid to Businesses to Mitigate the Energy Crisis and called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to, as far as possible, consider the proposals made in the discussion in further developing the text of the Act. The members of the ESC also called on the Government to prepare an analysis of production and sales prices of electricity in Slovenia and to inform the ESC when the Slovenian electricity capacities will again be available to businesses at a price closer to the production price.

          Under any other business, the ESC again called on the Government to take a position on the proposal for a summary procedure for the amendment of paragraph two of Article 23 of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act. The social partners have already invited the Minister of Health to attend the meeting of the Assembly of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. They have also invited the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs and the Minister of Health to respond and set the time for two separate meetings with the delegations of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.

          At the end of the session, the social partners called on the Government to ensure that its members and alternate members regularly attend the sessions of the ESC.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: ESC) took note of the position of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on coordinating and determining the amount of the minimum wage. The minister responsible for labour has consulted the social partners on this issue.

          The unions and employers will meet with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in relation to the drafting of an act governing the short-time working and lay-off scheme. The ESC will then discuss this act at its session on 2 December 2022.

          342nd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 11 November 2022

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the 2021 Work Report of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia. It called upon the Inspectorate to take the points highlighted at the session into consideration in its work planning and the structure of the 2022 report.

          The ESC supported the Act on Emergency Measures to Increase Pensioners’ Incomes and Limit the Rise in Maintenance Allowances in Social Protection. The ESC also discussed the proposed Act Amending the Trade Act.

          The ESC then held the first discussion on the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the determination of the minimum wage amount. As the members were unable to reach an agreement, this item will be considered by the ESC at an extraordinary session next week.

          341st SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 14 October 2022

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the draft Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budgets for the 2018–2020 period, the proposed amendments to the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2023, the proposed budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2024 and the proposed Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2023 and 2024 Act, and the final report on the implemented study on minimum costs of living and its findings.

          The Economic and Social Council also took note of the draft Act Amending the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Act. The social partners called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to consult the Economic and Social Council before considering and adopting the investment management strategy at the Government session.

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the decision of the Assembly of the Health Insurance Institution of Slovenia and endorsed the proposal for a summary procedure for the amendment of paragraph two of Article 23 of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act. The social partners called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to take a position on this proposal within 14 days and to convene a meeting with the social partners within one month.

          340th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 23 September 2022

          In approving the agenda, the members of the Economic and Social Council added another item, namely the proposal for an act amending the Act Governing Aid to Businesses Hit by High Increases in Electricity and Natural Gas Prices, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The Economic and Social Council called on the line ministry to take into account the proposals and amendments submitted by the social partners in today’s debate and to include them in the text of the act in the form of amendments.

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the revised budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2022, the 2021 report of the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment on the activities and effects of preventing undeclared work and employment, and the 2021 Annual Report on the implementation of the state measures in the labour market. The Economic and Social Council subsequently gave a favourable opinion on the amendments to the Occupational Pensions Scheme.

          Taking note of the process of amending the employment agreements with Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, members of the Economic and Social Council invited the Ministry of Labour to convene without delay a working group involving all social partners before further coordination of agreements between the countries.

          In the course of the meeting, the Economic and Social Council also took note of the report of the Expert Committee on the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act, the Amendments to the Excise Duty Act, the Amendments to the Tax Procedure Act, the Amendments to the Financial Administration Act, and, with the exception of the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act, supported the other three amended acts.

          The members of the Economic and Social Council also took note of the report of the Expert Committee to monitor upcoming changes in the healthcare system and the report of the Negotiating Team for drafting the proposals for amendments to the legislation regarding the keeping of working time records and supported the proposal for an act. Outstanding issues from today’s debate will be resolved by the line ministry, together with social partners, in the context of the preparation of implementing acts.


          At today’s extraordinary meeting, the members of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: ESC) took note of the content of the Act Governing Aid to Businesses Hit by High Increases in Electricity and Natural Gas Prices and invited the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology to take utmost account of the proposals and comments made by the social partners during the debate.

          They also took note of the content of the Act Governing Temporary Measures to Remedy the Consequences of Price Increases for the Most Vulnerable Groups of the Population and invited the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to take the utmost account of the proposals and comments made by the social partners during the debate. To this end, representatives of the Ministry will meet representatives of the social partners in the coming week.

          The social partners have until Wednesday next week to submit their proposals and views on the draft Act Amending the Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act. The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities will convene a consultation with representatives of the social partners no later than Friday, 2 September 2022.

          As part of considering the Government decision of 24 August 2022, which established the existence of serious disturbances threatening the stability of the healthcare system, the Ministry of Health was requested to convene a meeting of the ESC expert committee within 14 days at the latest.

          In the course of the meeting, the members of the ESC also took note of the first report of the Expert Committee on Finance and the Economy on the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act, the Excise Duty Act, the Tax Procedure Act, the Financial Administration Act, as well as the first report of the ESC Negotiating Team for drafting the amendment to the Decree on the tax treatment of reimbursement of costs and other income from employment.


          The members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) reconvened in a regular session after more than a year. The session was attended by Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, who presented the Government’s priorities for the 2022–2026 term of office to the social partners.

          The ESC established an ESC Negotiating Team for drafting the amendment to the Decree on the tax treatment of reimbursement of costs and other income from employment, an ESC Negotiating Team for drafting the Proposal for amendments to the Rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council, and a permanent ESC Expert Committee to monitor the upcoming changes in the healthcare system.

          The ESC also adopted the report of the Negotiating Team for drafting the proposals for amendments to the legislation regarding the keeping of working time records. As the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is to submit a proposal for amendments to the Labour and Social Security Registers Act for the legislative procedure in September, the social partners may present further proposals to the ministry until the end of August.

          As of this month, the trade union took over the chairmanship of the ESC, and Branimir Štrukelj, representing the Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions of Slovenia, became the new chair of the ESC.

          War in Ukraine: STATEMENT BY THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCILS – Versailles, 10–11 March 2022

          The Economic and Social Councils of the European Union have signed a joint declaration on the war in Ukraine, expressing our deep concern, strong indignation and unconditional support for the Ukrainian people.

          We strongly oppose the unjustified invasion of a sovereign state and support an effective, swift and coordinated response by EU Member States.

          We, the signatories to the declaration, have suspended all activities within AICESIS until the convening of the extraordinary General Assembly on 28 June 2022 in Athens. This initiative is to be discussed and implemented in a transparent manner with all AICESIS member councils and similar institutions on all continents in accordance with the rules governing the association.

          We support all the European and international sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation. We believe that, for the sake of dignity today, all possible means and messages must be used to reassure the people of Ukraine that they are not alone in their struggle against oppression and that our institutions and their civil society organisations stand with them in this dark time for global peace.


          Ljubljana, 20 July 2021 – President of the Economic and Social Council Mitja Gorenšček, the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, addressed a letter to the members of the Council today, urging them to renew social dialogue and warning them of the detrimental effects of inaction and differences between the social partners.

          More than two months have passed since the Economic and Social Council (ESC) last met. Several new decrees and laws have been adopted and implemented during this period, which the ESC should discuss and take a position on in accordance with its role, mission and purpose. The fact is that dialogue is the easiest way to reach suitable and efficient solutions.

          Although continuously striving for more intensive cooperation between the social partners and the Government, acting proactively, seeking compromise solutions, and, even in these times when social dialogue is at a standstill, meeting numerous times to clearly define and outline the minimum conditions in order to enable social dialogue, the members of the ESC have failed to restore it.

          In the opinion of the President of the ESC, who represents the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in the ESC as one of the social partners on the employers’ side, all partners who are affected by ESC issues are deprived by the absence of social dialogue in one way or another. According to Gorenšček, the fact is that all measures are more effective and legal bases are of higher quality when they are the result of cooperation and agreement between social partners. Therefore, he, as the President of the ESC, once again calls on all social partners and the Government to engage in social dialogue and resume cooperation.

          The Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Slovenia is a tripartite body of social partners and the Slovenian Government, i.e. employees, employers and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, established to consider issues and measures concerning economic and social policies and other issues related to the specific fields of the partners’ dialogue.


          The Secretariat of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) has collected data on the course of coordination between social partners and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the periods during which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia was led by Dr Miro Cerar and Marjan Šarec and for the term of office of the current government led by Janez Janša.

          Coordination between the government and the social partners within the ESC takes the form of ESC sessions, ESC College meetings and meetings of negotiating teams and expert committees. ESC College activities and the establishing of negotiating teams and expert committees have been ongoing since 2017.

          The table below indicates the number and duration of ESC sessions, the number of college meetings and the number of established negotiating teams and expert committees. It also includes comparative data on the number of substantive items and act proposals dealt with within the ESC during each individual term of office.

          During the term of office of the Government of Dr Miro Cerar, 65 ESC sessions were held, which amounted to an average of 1.35 sessions per month. On average, each session lasted 3 hours and 2 minutes. When the government was led by Marjan Šarec, the members of the ESC met at 17 ESC sessions, which was an average of 0.94 ESC sessions per month. During that period, each session lasted on average 3 hours and 20 minutes. In the term of office of the current government, 16 sessions have taken place to date or 1.10 sessions per month, with an average session duration of 5 hours and 6 minutes.

          Since 2017, the ESC has also been establishing ESC negotiating teams and expert committees. During the term of office of Dr Miro Cerar one ESC negotiating team was set up (an average of 0.05 team per month) and eight ESC expert committees were established (an average of 0.39 committee per month). During the following term of office six ESC negotiating teams (an average of 0.33 per month) and 10 ESC expert committees (an average of 0.56 per month) were set up. In the current government's term of office the ESC has established nine negotiating teams (0.62 per month) and six expert committees (0.41 per month), whereby the Expert Committee for the Preparation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility has been coordinating its activities with each individual ministry and government office individually.

          During the term of office of Dr Miro Cerar the ESC members discussed a total of 159 substantive items (an average of 3.31 items per month or 2.45 items per ESC session) and 29 act proposals (0.60 per month or 0.45 per ESC session). When the Government of the Republic of Slovenia was led by Marjan Šarec, 67 substantive items (3.72 per month or 3.94 per individual ESC session) and nine act proposals (0.50 per month or 0.53 per ESC session) were discussed. Under the current government, 60 substantive items (4.14 per month) or 3.75 per ESC session) and 21 act proposals (1.45 per month or 1.31 per ESC session) have been discussed to date.

          Since 1 January 2017, the representatives of each partner in the ESC have been meeting at ESC College sessions. During the term of office of Dr Miro Cerar the average number of such sessions was 0.63 per month (13 sessions of the ESC College), while during the term of office of Marjan Šarec the number of sessions amounted to 0.89 per month (16 sessions). The average number of college sessions during the current government's term of office amounts to 1.95 sessions per month (23 sessions to date).


          The 339th session of the Economic and Social Council to be held on 14 May 2021 was cancelled based on the decision of one of the social partners.

          Central trade unions – the Slovenian Association of Free Trade Unions, the Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions of Slovenia, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovenia Pergam, the Trade Union Confederation 90 of Slovenia and the Confederation of New Trade Unions of Slovenia "Independence" – notified the Economic and Social Council that they will abstain from attending the sessions of the ESC and its working bodies.

          Concluding that a quorum by trade unions to open the session will not be possible and in accordance with paragraph two of Article 11 of the ESC rules of operation, the session was cancelled.


          At the extraordinary session of the Economic and Social Council, the members were given a presentation of the proposed Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budget for the 2022–2024 period and the draft 2021 Stability Programme. No decisions were reached.

          Familiarising themselves with the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the two social partners called upon the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to take into account, to the greatest extent possible, the social partners' comments made during the discussion and to actively include both social partners in the further preparation, performance and evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in compliance with the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council.

          The Economic and Social Council also appointed members to the Board of the Compulsory Supplementary Pension Insurance Fund and set up a negotiating team of the Economic and Social Council to coordinate the tax laws that are currently the subject of public debate.


          At its regular session, the Economic and Social Council considered the candidacy of Professor Vlado Dimovski for the position of Director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), supporting his candidacy.

          Members of the Economic and Social Council then took note of the Decree on safety and health protection at work at temporary and mobile construction sites and the Rules on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical substances at work. The latter was approved. The members called upon the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the responsible ministries to ensure a timely transposition of directives and other international acts into Slovenian legislation, thereby allowing an appropriate period of adaptation for their implementation.

          Under miscellaneous, both social partners called upon the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the responsible ministries to provide the draft documents that are the basis for the drawing of funds from EU funds, ensuring the active participation of social partners in their preparation.


          At today's extraordinary session, the Economic and Social Council resumed its discussion of 24 March 2021, deciding that the proposed Act Amending the Road Transport Act had been submitted into the legislative procedure with a violation of the ESC rules of operation and that talks had been held separately with individual social partners, i.e. the employers.
          Furthermore, it was decided that the Economic and Social Council only took note of the proposed Act as the members concluded after the relevant discussion that the employers and the Government supported the proposed Act, while the workers' representatives opposed it.

          The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities proposed the establishment of an ESC negotiating group for the preparation of amendments to the Labour Market Regulation Act and amendments to the Social Assistance Payments Act. The ESC reached the decision to establish an expert committee for labour and social affairs in order to determine the subject of negotiations for the amendment of both Acts.


          At the extraordinary session of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), the members took note of and discussed the proposed act on debureaucratisation of 16 March 2021.

          Due to the lengthy discussion, the extraordinary session was adjourned, and the ESC College will decide on the date of resumption of the session.

          337th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 12 March 2021

          Today’s session of the Economic and Social Council was attended by Minister Zvone Černač from the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy. He presented to the Economic and Social Council members the Recovery and Resilience Plan proposal. At the end of the discussion, the Economic and Social Council again called on the line ministries to invite social partners to assume an active role in the preparation of projects in the context of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the draft Act Amending the Act Regulating the Procedure for Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Practising Regulated Professions.

          Subsequently, the members of the Economic and Social Council were briefed about the draft Act amending the Pharmacy Practice Act submitted to the legislative procedure by a group of deputies, but did not support it.

          The Economic and Social Council plans to decide on the establishment of a negotiating group for the preparation of amendments to the Labour Market Regulation Act and amendments to the Social Assistance Payments Act at a correspondence session.

          336th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 19 February 2021

          At the 336th session of the Economic and Social Council held on 19 February 2021, its members took note of the proposed Act Amending the Transnational Provision of Services Act and established that it has not been harmonised between social partners and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

          They also took note of the Plan for the Implementation of the Active Employment Policy for 2021 and 2022 and called on the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to actively include social partners in the drafting of the plan. The representatives of the employers and employees in the Economic and Social Council also called on the ministry to amend the Plan for the Implementation of the Active Employment Policy for 2021 and 2022 with recommendations from the discussion.

          The Economic and Social Council also discussed paritarian funds and established an expert committee of the Economic and Social Council for paritarian funds, which will be tasked with preparing suitable solutions and recommendations for the Economic and Social Council's consideration.

          The 2019 annual report of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia was presented to the members of the Economic and Social Council. In addition to taking note of the report, the social partners called on the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to consider the main points and recommendations from the 336th session of the Economic and Social Council in their future work.

          The Economic and Social Council also took note of the 2019 report on activities and results of the prevention of undeclared work and employment and the 20th report of the Republic of Slovenia on the implementation of the European Social Charter. Regarding the latter, the social partners decided to forward their remarks by the end of February.

          With regards to other business, the members of the Economic and Social Council touched on the issue of the documents of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. They emphasised that they want to access these documents digitally, while they also wanted to know when the documents would be declassified of its RESTRICTED classification level. They also called on the holder of the documents of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to obtain the most up-to-date version of the plan.

          At the end of the session, the Ministry of Health was called on to observe the considerations given during the discussion about the rules on occupational diseases.

          The session was again held via a video conference.

          335th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 11 December 2020

          At today’s session of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), its members discussed the implementation of the amended Act Amending the Minimum Wage Act, presented their positions on this issue but did not formulate a compromise proposal.

          They, however, agreed on the Rules of procedure for the coordination of laws (anti-corona packages 2020–2021) between social partners and the members of the ESC responsible for the containment (and neutralisation of the negative effects) of the COVID-19 epidemic.

          The ESC appointed a negotiating team to prepare a draft law on the intervention measures to help mitigate the consequences of the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic (anti-corona package 7 (PKP7)). The negotiating team plans to finalise the draft by Monday, 14 December 2020.

          The ESC was also briefed about the draft National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the first report of its expert committee tasked with the preparation of the national plan. The expert committee will continue with its work also in the future stages of the preparations. The ESC called on the ministries to invite social partners to assume an active role in discussions about topics to be included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

          The ESC was also briefed about the report on the continuation of activities aimed at enhancing digital literacy in Slovenia compiled by the Ministry of Public Administration, and the report of the ESC expert committee preparing implementation guidelines for the active employment policy for 2021–2025 compiled by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

          The first report of the ESC negotiating team tasked with preparing a draft law on long-term care and the compulsory coverage of long-term care was presented at the session. On behalf of the government, the Ministry of Finance will provide information on funding by 10 January 2021 for the purposes of further discussions of the negotiating team.

          Furthermore, the members of the ESC were briefed about the first report of the negotiating team working on the draft law governing the national demographic fund.

          The session was again held via a video conference.

          334th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 13 November 2020

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: ESC) met at the 334th session and expanded the draft agenda with an item on preparations for the use of the 2021–2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the Next Generation EU instrument, inviting the relevant ministries to involve social partners in the preparation of more concrete actions.

          Furthermore, the ESC members established that social partners had not yet been involved in the preparation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. To this end, the ESC has set up a competent expert committee to draw up a National Recovery and Resilience Plan, in line with the areas covered by the ESC.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) continued with the suspended 333rd session. The members of the ESC took note of the Government’s opinion on the proposal for the Act Amending the Pension and Disability Insurance Act, which was submitted to the National Assembly for consideration by the National Council. Employers did not support the proposal, highlighting the need for a comprehensive reform of the Pension and Disability Insurance Act. However, the trade unions supported the proposal for the Act.

          In continuation, the members of the ESC took note of the report of the Expert Committee on the drafting of rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work and called on the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to adopt it as soon as possible.

          The members of the ESC were acquainted with the Demographic Fund Act proposal. The negotiating team will continue its work next week.

          The ESC has set up an expert committee to define the regulation of teleworking. It also established an expert committee to draw up guidelines for the implementation of the Active Employment Policy for the 2021–2025 period.


          At its extraordinary session of 4 November 2020, the Economic and Social Council (the ESC) held a debate on the importance and role of social dialogue. Representatives of the Trade Union side left the session because it was not possible to vote on the proposed decisions. The session was adjourned due to the departure of one of the partners in the ESC.

          On 10 November, members of the ESC resumed the extraordinary meeting at which they decided, among other things, that everyone should comply with the rules on the ESC functioning. A special protocol is to be adopted on the negotiation process regarding intervention acts that are directly related to the Covid-19 epidemic. The Ministry of Finance will reconvene a meeting of the negotiating team to coordinate the Demographic Fund Act proposal. In further legislative procedure, the Government representatives will, in accordance with their competencies, defend the agreed or coordinated solutions between the social partners.

          At the extraordinary session, the ESC members also discussed the proposed intervention measures draft act to mitigate the consequences of the second wave of Covid-19 epidemic (PKP6).

          333rd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 16 October 2020

          In October, the one-year presidency of the Economic and Social Council was assumed by the director-general of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Sonja Šmuc, on behalf of the representatives of employers.

          Before discussing point 2, The role and importance of social dialogue in the Republic of Slovenia, the trade union proposed to suspend the session or postpone it to a later date, because it did not agree that this point could be discussed with State Secretary, Cveto Uršič, as the deputy of the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj.

          The government and the employers established that, regardless of the absence of the minister, all the conditions to open the session and discuss all items on the agenda were met. Nevertheless, the ESC meeting was adjourned as trade union representatives left the meeting room.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council discussed the proposal for an act on the intervention measures to mitigate the consequences of the communicable disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) epidemic for citizens and the economy (ACP5).

          The employers understood the government's efforts and the need to adopt a package of measures and expressed a desire to coordinate open issues in the anti-corona packages that will follow.

          Representatives of the trade union stated that they did not support the given proposal and called on the government not to discuss it at a government session, explaining that they were ready for further negotiations. As the representatives of the trade union did not agree with the proposed information decision, they left the meeting room.

          332nd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 18 September 2020

          At the 332nd session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the draft revised budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2020 and of the proposal for the Act Amending the Republic of Slovenia Budget Implementation Act for 2020 and 2021.

          The ESC also took note of the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposal for the Act Amending the Pension and Disability Insurance Act. Members of the ESC agreed that any systemic changes should be prepared in agreement with social partners in view of ensuring the stability of the pension system.

          The ESC also took note of the initiative concerning the extension of application of collective agreements. The ESC plan to discuss the initiative concerning bipartite negotiation and coordination at one of their future sessions.

          The members of the ESC also took note of the draft proposal for the Act on Communicable Diseases; the draft will be examined and coordinated by the ESC negotiating team and discussed at one of the future sessions of the ESC.

          The ESC have set up a negotiating team to prepare a proposal for the Anti-corona Package Act - ACP5, and the proposal for the Demographic Reserve Fund Act.


          At today's continuation of the 331st session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the proposal for the Act amending the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act.

          331st SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 4 September 2020

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) examined the proposal of the Act amending the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act and the discussion on the legislative proposal will be continued in fourteen days.

          The Minister of Health Dr Tomaž Gantar presented the proposal of the Long-term Care and Compulsory Insurance for Long-term Care Act. Social partners underlined that the Ministry of Health violated the Rules of Procedure of the ESC regarding the preparation and the submittal of the proposal of the Act. The ESC negotiating team in charge of the preparation of this Act will meet weekly and strive to reach the widest possible consensus.

          At the session, the ESC also took note of the annual report on the implementation of labour market measures taken by the state in 2019 and of the operation of the Institute of Health Insurance of Slovenia in 2020. The ESC recommended that the Government of Slovenia ensure adequate funds for the implementation of health insurance in the budgets for 2020 and 2021 and to ensure the stability of the health system with systemic changes.

          The ESC’s next session is scheduled for Friday, 18 September 2020.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the proposal for the Act on the intervention measures to prepare for the second wave of COVID-19. By Saturday, 4 July 2020, social partners will submit their proposals for amendments to the act proposal and will name their representatives to the working group that will meet on Monday, 6 July 2020 at 08:00 at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

          The ESC took note of the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposal for the Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act submitted to the National Assembly by the National Council. Both social partners expressed their full support for the proposal for the Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act and called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to fully support the proposal.

          The ESC issued a positive opinion regarding the amendments to the Occupational Retirement Provision pension scheme.

          Afterwards, the ESC also took note of the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposal for the Act Amending the Health Care and Health Insurance Act, but did not adopt any common position on the aforementioned proposal.

          The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities will undertake activities for the ratification of the International Labour Organisation Convention No. 177. Social partners will provide the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities with a list of experts for mediation and a list of arbiters for settling collective labour disputes.

          Upon being informed on the initiative for the elimination of deficiencies in digital literacy and the enhancement of skills of employees who were temporarily put on short-time work and the population of Slovenia in all age groups, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and its social partners will begin promoting this initiative and will start to ensure the conditions so that the provision referred to Article 14 may begin to apply as of 1 September 2020 at the latest.

          The ESC will take note of the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposal for the Act Amending the Pension and Disability Insurance Act and will discuss it at its next session scheduled for 17 July 2020.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposal for the Act Amending the Trade Act. The ESC did not adopt a common position on the proposal. All trade union associations fully support the proposal for the act and its purpose and content, which is currently undergoing the parliamentary procedure. However, employers' organisations do not support the proposal for the act and call for a bipartite social dialogue.

          The members of the ESC were also informed about the methodology for estimating damage and the conditions and procedures for granting public funds. When the Ministry of Finance receives the response of the European Commission, it will inform the ESC thereof.

          Furthermore, the ESC took note of the activities the Ministry of Health plans to carry out with regard to long-term care. The social partners called on the Ministry of Health to actively involve them in the drafting of health care legislation.
          The ESC established a negotiating team to draft a proposal for an act governing health care and health insurance and a negotiating team to draft a proposal for an act governing long-term care before the proposals are submitted to public discussion.


          Continuing the 328th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC), its members agreed to review their proposals for the text of the social contract by the next session of the ESC College. The members of the ESC College will draw up a plan for the drafting and adoption of the social contract at the next session.


          At today's extraordinary session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the proposal for an act on the intervention measures to mitigate the consequences of the communicable disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) for citizens and the economy (#ACP3).

          The social partners called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to consider the tripartite harmonised opinion of both working groups of the Economic and Social Council in the preparation of the ACP3.


          At today’s 328th session, the Economic and Social Council established two working groups for the preparation of the PKP3 anti-corona package. The first working group, headed by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, will address the areas of employment relationships, labour market, health care and education, while the second working group, headed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, will address the areas of economy and agriculture.

          In the process of approval of the amendments to the Occupational Retirement Provision pension scheme by the minister responsible for labour, opinions of the Employers’ and Insured Persons’ representatives appointed at the proposal of the representative representatives of trade unions and Employers at the Economic and Social Council must be obtained in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 208 of the Pension and Disability Insurance Act.
          The Economic and Social Council has issued a positive opinion regarding the amendments to the Occupational Retirement Provision pension scheme.

          327th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 14 February 2020

          At the 327th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter ‘ESC’), the ESC members took note of the draft National Energy and Climate Plan prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Energy Efficiency Centre at Jožef Štefan Institute. They also took note of a report from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development entitled "Better governance – Better economies".

          Furthermore, the ESC members became acquainted with the draft opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the proposed Act Amending the Personal Income Tax Act, submitted to the National Assembly by a group of deputies. The ESC has not adopted a common position on the aforementioned proposed act.

          The ESC members also discussed the proposed Act Amending the Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2H), submitted to the National Assembly by a group of deputies. The ESC has taken the view that it will not support any partial solutions in addressing the issue of a different pension scheme. A proposal was adopted to look into these issues within the negotiation team that proceeds with its work after the adoption of the latest amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2G).

          The ESC members took note of the invitations to appoint the representatives of the social partners in the European Economic and Social Committee for the 2020–2025 period, also by attending the 109th regular session of the International Labour Conference to be held in Geneva from 25 May to 5 June 2020.

          326th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 24 January 2020

          At the 326th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) its members took note of the Report of the Compulsory Supplementary Pension Insurance Fund Committee for 2018.

          The ESC members rejected the draft Act regulating intervention measures to stabilise the functioning of the public health system and expressed the opinion that it was not suitable for further consideration.

          The ESC took note of the first draft of the priorities of Slovenia's Presidency of the European Union Council and called on the Government to actively involve social partners in further priority formulation.

          The ESC members were acquainted with the draft Act regulating guarantees of the Republic of Slovenia for housing loans. Social partners pointed to poor systemic solutions in addressing housing issues.

          Social partners opposed the substantive proposal of the scholarship policy 2020–2024. The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities expressed their commitment to continued work of the ESC Expert Committee on Labour and Social Affairs related to 2020–2024 scholarship policy.

          Within the framework of the ESC negotiation team on the amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act, the Economic and Social Council is to forthwith address the issue of extraordinary indexation of pensions in 2020.

          325th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 13 December 2019

          At its 325th session the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the information on the amendments to the Employment Relationship Act concerning the first day of school, of the proposal for an act amending the Act Fixing the Reimbursement Amounts for Work Related Expenses and Certain Other Receipts, and of further activities with regard to healthcare reform.

          Social partners pointed out that it is essential that social dialogue and rules on the operation of the ESC are respected in the adoption of legislation.

          The ESC members also took note of the 2018 annual report on the implementation of measures on the labour market and of the proposal for active employment policy plan for 2020. They proposed that in the future more funds from the integral budget are allocated to active employment policy measures.

          324th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 15 November 2019

          At the 324th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) its members took note of the 2018 Work Report of the Labour Inspectorate and the 2018 Report of the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment on the Activities and Effects of the Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment.

          Furthermore, the ESC adopted the Rules amending the Rules on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic substances.

          The Minister of Health Aleš Šabeder informed the ESC members of the activities relating to the abolishment of supplementary health insurance. For the public discussion scheduled for March 2020, the Ministry will outline starting points for the discussion by the ESC Negotiating Team for the drafting of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act proposal.

          The ESC’s next session is scheduled for Friday, 13 December 2019.


          Today, the Slovenian Government and social partners signed the Protocol on respect for and the promotion of social dialogue, which was signed on behalf of the Slovenian Government by the Prime Minister Marjan Šarec.

          Moreover, the Slovenian Government and social partners signed an amendment to the Rules on the Operation of the Economic and Social Council, which was signed on behalf of the Slovenian Government by the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Ksenija Klampfer. The Economic and Social Council will now be able to consider non-governmental legislative proposals at its sessions.


          During the visit, Head of Delegation Manfred Bergmann, Director in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), met with the social partners and members of the Economic and Social Council to exchange opinions and views on the current economic and social policies in Slovenia.

          They discussed the main topics and current challenges concerning the Slovenian economy. They also touched upon proposals for acts that affect the economy and citizens, i.e. acts governing taxes and pensions, the situation on the Slovenian market with regard to employment rate and salaries, and the future of the social dialogue.

          323rd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 25 October 2019

          At its 323rd session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the report on the work of the ESC negotiating team for amending the Rules on the Operation of the ESC.
          After a short interruption, the ESC members reached an agreement on the amendment of the rules. The Government and the social partners are expected to sign the Rules on the Operation of the ESC, together with the Protocol of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the social partners on the respect for and the promotion of social dialogue, in the middle of next month.

          322nd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 27 September 2019

          At its 322nd session the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the second report of the ESC negotiating team for addressing the proposed amendments to the Labour Market Regulation Act and the second report of the ESC negotiating team for addressing the proposed amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act. The second negotiating team will continue with its work.

          Representatives of employers' organisations drew attention to a violation of social dialogue, as certain fundamental areas that according to the rules should be discussed by the ESC are being harmonised outside the ESC. In view of this, they will not participate in the ESC discussions until further notice.

          321st SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 17 September 2019

          In its 321st session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: ESC) took note of the starting points for drafting budget proposals for 2020 and 2021 and the starting points for the proposed Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2020 and 2021 Act. After their adoption, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia will submit the budget proposals for 2020 and 2021 and the draft Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2020 and 2021 Act to its social partners.

          The members of the ESC then took note of the first and second report of the ESC negotiating team addressing the amendments to tax legislation.

          The next session is scheduled for Friday, 27 November 2019.


          At the extraordinary session the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the first reports of the negotiating teams tasked to examine the amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act and to the Labour Market Regulation Act.

          The ESC agrees that the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities may submit the proposed amendments for public discussion. The discussion is expected to last until early September. However, the social partners’ resolution to agree to the submission of proposal for public discussion should not be understood as consent to the proposed amendments. At the conclusion of the public discussion the negotiating teams shall meet again and prepare a proposal to be discussed by the Economic and Social Council.


          At its continued 320th session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the report on futher activities regarding digital literacy in the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Digital Coalition. The ESC also took note of the analysis of the use of public funds for adult education, and of the report on further activities regarding the National Skills Strategy for Slovenia. With regard to the latter the ESC adopted a resolution to set up an Expert Committee on the Organisation of the State and Public Affairs for the drafting of the National Programme of Adult Education.


          At its 320th session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the EBRD Report on the Future of Work and adopted a resolution proposing that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia should take into consideration the conclusions of the discussion when drafting further reform proposals and measures.

          In the continuation of the session, the Minister of Health, Aleš Šabeder, presented the situation and measures in the health sector. The ESC also adopted the amendments to the Plan for the implementation of active employment policy measures for 2019.

          The 320th session will resume on Friday, 12 July 2019, and will be followed by an extraordinary session of the ESC.

          Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the Economic and Social Councils of the EU and the EESC – 13 and 14 June 2019, Rome, Italy

          This year's meeting of the presidents and secretaries-general of the Economic and Social Councils (ESCs) of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic and Social Committee (the EESC) was held on 13 and 14 June 2019 in Rome, Italy. The topic of this year's conference "
          The ESCs' role in sustainable development and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights" reflected the urgent need for an economic and social transformation towards sustainable development.

          At the introductory presentation of the conference which was also attended by Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Tiziano Treu, President of the Italian Economic and Social Council, Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Italy's Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Enrico Giovannini, professor of economic statistics at the University of Rome, took part.

          During the conference the actual situation in the Member States and examples of best practice were outlined. Representatives from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Greece, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Hungary, Spain, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic presented their views on the role of the Economic and Social Councils in sustainable development and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

          The adopted positions will be submitted to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council.

          Vir: Arhiv ESS


          At the 317th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) the members agreed with the amendments to the Occupational Pensions Scheme.

          Then they took note of the information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia about the monitoring of data on the number of minimum wage recipients and on wages governed by individual agreements, and supported the Office's efforts related to this issue.


          The meeting between social partners and OECD representatives centred on the aging population and the related measures concerning the labour market, healthcare, pension security, long-term care, education and training.

          Pointing to the lack of social dialogue in the process of adopting the Minimum Wage Act, the employers believe that an imbalance remains between the amount of minimum wage and the unemployment benefit, and that the issues of lifelong learning, education and the labour market should be tackled in a comprehensive manner. They support the development of quality jobs and call for greater flexibility in the adoption of the new labour legislation.

          The trade unions agreed about the lack of motivation to engage in lifelong learning, probably also due to the employees’ failure to grasp the importance of lifelong learning in relation to their professional career. With regard to the labour market regulation, negotiations are currently underway leaving the issue of retirement age to be addressed by a comprehensive pension reform. According to the trade unions, employers view their employees’ wages only in terms of costs, overlooking the social and financial dimensions for the employees. As to the Minimum Wage Act, they believe that the process left the door open for social dialogue.

          Vir: Arhiv ESS

          318th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 19 April 2019

          At the 318th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) the members agreed to set up a negotiating team to draw up a new Social Contract. The members should nominate their representatives to the negotiating team by the end of May; by the end of June the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities should draw up a proposal for a Social Contract, based on all the employer’s and trade union proposals.

          The Chief Labour Inspector, Jadranko Grlić, presented the data relating to working hours, breaks and rest periods and called on members to amend the legislation in this area. The ESC decided that members should appoint their representatives to the expert committee to prepare amendments to the legislation by mid-May.

          The Minister of Finance, Andrej Bertoncelj, presented the Framework for drafting the general government budgets for 2020-2022, and the Draft Stability Programme 2019. The members of the ESC raised some questions and suggestions in the debate and invited the Ministry of Finance to take into account the suggestions of the debate before the final adoption of the documents.

          Modifications concerning the introduction of a single (through) ticket in the public passenger transport that were presented will be the basis for the discussion at the meeting of the social partners’ representatives at the Ministry of the Infrastructure next week.

          The next regular session of the ESC will be held on 17 May 2019.

          317th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 22 March 2019

          At the 317th session of the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) the members took note of the first draft of the National Reform Programme 2019–2020. The social partners may submit their written comments to the draft document by 27 March 2019; any potential coordination as to the content at individual ministries is still possible until 4th April.

          The Minister of Finance, Andrej Bertoncelj, acquainted the ESC with the changes to tax legislation. The ESC supported the establishment of a negotiation team to deal with the presented changes. The members of the ESC supported the proposal that the reduction of tax burden on pay for annual leave be excluded from the tax legislation package. The legislative proposal to provide for the reduction of tax burden on pay for annual leave already in 2019 will be prepared by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

          The session continued with the presentation of starting points for the amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2F) and the starting points for the amendments to the Labour Market Regulation Act (ZUTD) by the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Ksenija Klampfer. The ESC will establish two separate negotiation teams with the purpose of achieving harmonisation to the maximum extent possible.

          At the end of the session the members of the ESC got acquainted with the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the establishment of a new payment model and with the initiative of the Slovenian Association of Free Trade Unions on the problems related to keeping working time records. Both initiatives will be discussed at the ESC's next session.


          On 27 February 2019, the European Commission published the European Semester Winter Package: review of Member States' progress towards economic and social priorities for individual Member States in the Country Reports, including for Slovenia. This year's report also includes investment guidelines for financing under the cohesion policy programme for the period 2021-2027.

          Zoran Stančič, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Republic of Slovenia, gave a brief introduction on the European Semester process. Andriana Sukova, Deputy Director General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, presented the Country Report from the labour market perspective. Manfred Bergmann, Director General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, presented the highlights from macroeconomic and fiscal perspectives. Vittoria Alliata Di Villafranca, Director General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, presented Annex D on investment guidance.

          Then followed a discussion in which the social partners pointed out the upcoming changes in the sectoral legislation regarding fiscal policy, pension and disability insurance, labour market regulation and social agreement. They believe that the role of social partners in Slovenia in the development of European Semester documents is not as active as they wish it would be. They stressed the need for changes in the labour market and adult education, competitiveness and social transfers.

          Photo: ESS


          At the extraordinary session of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), the members took note of the proposed Revised Budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2019, and the draft Act Amending the Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia’s Budget for 2018 and 2019 Act.

          The ESC members discussed the initiative of the Slovenian Association of Free Trade Unions concerning the provision in Article 93 of the draft Act Amending the Insurance Act. Although the draft act was not discussed at the ESC, the members believe that the proposed amendments interfere with the Employment Relationships Act, so the ESC invited the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to observe, in drafting regulations, the Rules on the Operation of the ESC also when amendments refer to Article 3 of the Rules of Operation of the ESC only to a small extent.

          316th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 18 January 2019

          At the 316th meeting of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) the members took note of the report on further activities regarding the National Skills Strategy for Slovenia.

          Two representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development presented the EBRD's Country Strategy for Slovenia for 2019–2024.

          The ESC members also discussed the start of the European Semester, which was presented by the Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Republic of Slovenia, Zoran Stančič.

          315th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 7 December 2018

          Pursuant to the proposed amendment to the agenda of the 315th session of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), its members discussed the proposed amendments to the Minimum Wage Act. The representatives of the employees agreed with the proposed law in its entirety whereas the representatives of the employers presented the differing positions of chambers and associations.
          The ESC did not adopt a conclusion concerning this agenda item as the partners had differing views on the proposed amendments.

          At today's session the members of the ESC also discussed the proposed Action Plan for the implementation of the Resolution on the National Programme of Health and Safety at Work. Furthermore, they were briefed on the proposed amendments to the Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2018 and 2019 Act adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia at its 9th regular session on 22 November 2018. The members of the ESC stressed that the funding of the social dialogue should be regulated at the systemic level. The ESC also took note of the Report on further activities regarding digital literacy in the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Digital Coalition.

          314th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 16 November 2018

          At today's session the members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) discussed the Report on the work of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for 2017, highlighting a shortage of inspectors. The ESC also discussed the Report on the implementation of state measures on the labour market for 2017 and the Report on the activities and effects of undeclared work and employment for 2017.

          Furthermore, the ESC adopted the Report of the Labour and Social Affairs Expert Committee on the proposed rules amending the Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to chemical substances at work, and the Report of the Labour and Social Affairs Expert Committee on the proposed Plan for the Implementation of Active Employment Policy Measures for 2019. The latter was not endorsed by the ESC.

          The ESC members were briefed on the proposed amendments to the Minimum Wage Act but they did not discus the draft changes.

          The next session of the ESC will be held on Friday, 7 December 2018.

          313th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 26 October 2018

          At today's session, the members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) discussed, among other things, the expectations for the period 2018-2022. The first part of the meeting was also attended by the Prime Minister, Marjan Šarec, who called for an efficient social dialogue that should be based on sincerity, honesty and openness. An efficient social dialogue is also a wish of the social partners.

          The ESC then took note of the amended Rules on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical substances at work and, after a discussion, reached a conclusion that there are certain concerns about the limit values for siliceous powder so that another consultation will be held.

          The ESC then took note of the draft plan for the implementation of active employment policy measure for 2018 and decided to amend the plan and discuss it at the next ESC meeting.

          As of today, a one-year ESC Presidency was assumed by Ms Lidija Jerkič on behalf of the Trade Union side.

          The next ESC meeting is scheduled for Friday 16 November 2018.

          The Annual Meeting of Presidents and Secretaries-general of the Economic and Social Councils of EU Member States and the European Economic and Social Committee – 14 and 15 June 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia

          This year's meeting of presidents and secretaries-general of the Economic and Social Councils (ESCs) of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic and Social Committee (the EESC) was held on 14 and 15 June 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The theme of this year's meeting was "The Future of Europe".
          The introductory part was attended by the President of the Slovak Economic and Social Council, Mr Jozef Kollár, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr Luca Jahier, Slovak Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Mr Ján Richter and member of the Slovak Economic and Social Council and the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr Juraj Sipko.
          The opening part was followed by relevant presentations and discussions. Participants from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Greece, Spain and France presented their views on the future of Europe.
          The following day, relevant contributions were presented by participants from Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Romania and Slovenia. The presentation of their views was followed by a debate and the conclusion of the meeting conducted by Mr Jozef Kollár.

          Next year, the meeting of presidents and secretaries-general of the ESC will take place in Rome, Italy.

          Photo: NB

          312th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 13 April 2018

          At its 312th session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the draft Stability Programme 2018. Already during the discussion, social partners made some comments and proposals, while the deadline for their written submission to the Ministry of Finance is 18 April 2018.

          The ESC then took note of the report of further activities in digital literacy in Slovenia and Slovenian Digital Coalition, and of the report of the Negotiating team on the proposed Health Care and Health Insurance Act (the ZZVZZ-1).

          The ESC will not hold a regular session in May.

          311th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 30 March 2018

          At its 311th session the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the proposal for repealing the Act Fixing the Reimbursement Amounts for Work Related Expenses and Certain Other Receipts and also adopted the said proposal.

          When considering the 2018 National Reform Programme, the ESC adopted a decision that social partners should submit their written comments in the form of amendments to the Ministry of Finance by Thursday, 5 April 2018. At the ESC's session to be held in the second half of the year, a special item on the agenda will be devoted to education and the labour market.

          The ESC took note of the starting points for the participation of a tripartite delegation of the Republic of Slovenia at the 107th regular session of the International Labour Conference to be held from 28 May to 8 June 2018 in Geneva.


          The representatives of the social partners attended the presentation of the findings of the Country Report for Slovenia 2018 given by Zoran Stančič, Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovenia, István P. Székely from the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Economic and Financial Affairs and Egbert Holthuis from the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

          Based on the robust economic growth in 2017, Slovenian GDP has returned to the pre-crisis level. After it had achieved the level of the euro area in 2008, it declined sharply during the crisis. According to forecasts, Slovenia’s GDP is expected to have grown as much as the euro area by 2019.

          Private sector debt has decreased significantly since 2010. Banks are profitable, well capitalised and have a favourable funding structure. The share of non-performing loans in the banking sector is on the decrease.

          Along with the economic growth, the employment rate has been increasing for the third year in a row and unemployment has been falling. But nevertheless the labour market still faces challenges, mainly due to the low level of employment of older workers.

          Investments in Slovenia decreased considerably more than in the rest of the euro area, and the process of investment growth renewal took considerably longer. Though the volume of investments has been gradually increasing, it still lags behind the pre-crisis level.

          The at-risk-of-poverty and social exclusion rate has declined, but still remains high for the elderly. Compared to the EU average, the rate of people at a persistent risk of poverty is among the highest.

          Slovenia faces budgetary pressures due to ageing, more so than the other EU countries. Policies to stimulate longer working lives and increase the efficiency of spending on health and long-term care are urgently needed to safeguard the sustainability of public finances and ensure adequate levels of benefits and services.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the first draft of the National Reform Programme 2018. The members of the ESC may submit their written comments on the draft document by Friday 9 March 2018 to the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry responsible for the area referred to in the comment. Line ministries may invite social partners to participate in the ESC Expert Committees, if deemed necessary.

          310th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 16 February 2018

          At its 310th session the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the drafting of European Semester documents. Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Republic of Slovenia, Zoran Stančič, presented the following documents: 2018 Annual Growth Survey, 2018 Alert Mechanism Report, Draft Joint Employment Report 2018 and Commission opinion on the 2018 Draft Budgetary Plan of Slovenia.

          309th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 19 January 2018

          At its 309th session the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the drafting of European Semester documents. In the discussion the social partners highlighted the importance of timely inclusion in the drafting process.

          Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities presented to the ESC the proposal concerning the amount of minimum wage. During the discussion the representatives of central trade unions and employers' organisations and associations expressed different views regarding the amount of minimum wage and indicators for determination thereof. They will strive to reach an agreement on the proposal for the minimum wage amount by 23 January 2018.

          The ESC also took note of and supported the proposed Act Amending the Healthcare Databases Act and the Resolution on the National Programme for Mental Health 2018–2028.

          308th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 20 December 2017

          At its 308th session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the method for adjusting the minimum wage. The ESC will discuss the amount of the minimum wage at its forthcoming session in January.

          The ESC took note of the report on the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth which took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 17 November 2017. The ESC also took note of the report of the Expert Committee on the draft strategy in the field of health and safety at work in the Republic of Slovenia and supported the strategy.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the proposed amendments to the Pension Scheme of the Compulsory Supplementary Pension Insurance Fund.

          The ESC called upon the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to draft in cooperation with social partners a proposal for urgent technical amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act in the part concerning occupation specific insurance without prejudice to the rights of insured persons.

          307th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 11 November 2017

          At its 307th session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the draft Slovenian Development Strategy 2030.

          The ESC has taken note of the draft strategy and will monitor the performance indicators in order to implement the strategy. Once a year, the ESC will discuss the report on the activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the strategy.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the proposed budget documents for 2018 and 2019. The social partners stressed the importance of timely consideration of such documents.

          The ESC also took note of the situation and activities in the health system, the draft rules on occupational diseases, and the draft long term-care and compulsory long-term care insurance act. The ESC invited the negotiating team to resume discussions on the proposed Health care and health insurance act. The social partners welcomed the progress achieved in drafting the rules on occupational diseases; the ESC will set up the Expert Committee on the Organisation of the State and Public Affairs. The ESC members expect the adoption of the aforementioned rules by the end of this year.

          The ESC also established the Expert Committee to discuss the draft long-term care and compulsory long-term care insurance act.

          306th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 13 October 2017

          At its 306th session the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the draft strategy in the field of health and safety at work in the Republic of Slovenia and referred this subject for consideration to its parent expert committee. The social partners and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia agreed that the report on health and safety at work should become a subject to be discussed by the ESC regularly every year.

          The ESC took further note of the report on the evaluation of the situation within the strategy of development and use of literacy in Slovenia. In this area, the social partners expect an invitation to play a more active role, in particular in the preparation of action plans.

          The ESC also took note of the situation regarding digital literacy in the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Digital Coalition. The social partners and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia highlighted the need for a more active participation of key stakeholders in this field.

          At an extraordinary session to take place on 20 October 2017, the members of the ESC will discuss the budget package for the years 2018 and 2019 and health-related issues.

          305th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 8 September 2017

          At its 305th session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the report on the current situation and progress in the field of collaborative economy. Social partners want to play an active role in the drafting of legislative amendments in this field.

          The ESC members took note of the draft Act Amending the Social Entrepreneurship Act and of the reports of the Expert Committees on Finance and the Economy concerning the draft Demographic Reserve Fund Act and the proposed set of measures in the field of taxation for 2017. The ESC also adopted starting points for the participation of the delegation of the Republic of Slovenia in the 10th European Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organisation, which will take place in Istanbul between 2 and 5 October 2017.

          The discussion of information on the current situation and activities in the health care system was discontinued and will be brought back to the table at the next session.


          At its 304th session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the draft Demographic Reserve Fund Act. The draft act will be discussed by the ESC Expert Committee on Finance and the Economy; the stated committee will present its report at the September session. The ESC members were acquainted with the report submitted by the Expert Committee on the Organisation of the State and Public Affairs concerning the draft Sports Act.

          THE ESC also discussed the report on activities and results of the prevention of undeclared work and employment in 2016. The social partners put forward proposals that the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities will include to the fullest possible extent in the next year Commission's report.

          Upon the proposal of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the social partners appointed their representatives to the Compulsory Supplementary Pension Insurance Fund Committee.

          303rd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 30 June and 7 July 2017

          At its 303rd session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the proposed set of measures in the field of taxation and proposed that this set of measures be considered by the ESC Expert Committee on Finance and the Economy.

          The ESC also took note of the 2016 Annual Report on the Implementation of State Measures on the Labour Market, the amendment to the Plan for the Implementation of Active Employment Policy Measures for 2017, and the Plan of the Active Employment Policy for 2018.

          On the margins of today's session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and social partners signed the starting points for the reform of pension and disability insurance system in the Republic of Slovenia.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the the proposed Act Amending the Patients' Rights Act and the Act Amending the Health Services Act which passed the first reading in the National Assembly last week. The Economic and Social Council supported the proposed Act Amending the Medical Practitioners Act.

          After today's discussion of the starting points for the preparation of the rules on the identification of occupational diseases, the Economic and Social Council adopted a decision that the Ministry of Health should draw up the draft rules which will first be examined by the expert committee in accordance with the Operating Rules of the Economic and Social Council.

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the report of the negotiating team on the proposed Health Care and Health Insurance Act. The negotiating team will continue their work next week.


          The Economic and Social Council together with the European Economic and Social Committee held a consultation on the White Paper on the Future of Europe, and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

          The discussion was based on the White Paper on the Future of Europe: Reflections and Scenarios for the EU27 by 2025, published by the European Commission on 1 March 2017. It provides five scenarios for the development of Europe by 2025 in specific areas, such as single market and trade, migration and security, and the Economic and Monetary Union. The European Pillar of Social Rights presented at the end of April 2017 by the European Commission together with a package of documents was also discussed at the session. The two topics were presented by the Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovenia, Mr Zoran Stančič.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the information on digital literacy in the Republic of Slovenia and on the activities of the Slovenian Digital Coalition, which was presented by Mr. Boris Koprivnikar, Minister of Public Administration.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budget for the 2018–2020 period and Draft 2017 Stability Programme. It also adopted starting points for the participation of the tripartite delegation of the Republic of Slovenia at the 106th regular meeting of the International Labour Conference to be held from 5 to 16 June 2016 in Geneva.

          300th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 17 March 2017

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the draft National Reform Programme. The ESC members agreed on the further process of harmonisation of the above mentioned document and on the activities of the ESC negotiating team for the discussion of the proposed Health Care and Health Insurance Act (ZZVZZ-1).

          299th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 24 February 2017

          At today's session, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities called on the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) to appoint employers' and employees' representatives to the delegation to the 106th regular session of the International Labour Conference to be held from 5 to 16 June 2016 in Geneva.

          The ESC was briefed on the current status of the National Reform Programme, which is in preparation. Social partners pointed out during debate that certain ministries have not involved them in the process of preparing the National Reform Programme documents.

          The next session of the ESC is scheduled for Friday 17 March 2017.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the working papers of proposed Health Care and Health Insurance Act. The ESC formed a negotiation team led by the Ministry of Health to discuss the proposed act.

          Social partners can appoint their representatives to the negotiation team. Upon completion of its task, the team will draw up a report to be discussed at a session of the ESC.

          298th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 20 January 2017

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) established the following three expert committees of the ESC: the Expert Committee on Labour and Social Affairs, the Expert Committee on Finance and the Economy and the Expert Committee on the Organisation of the State and Public Affairs. Pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Rules of Procedure of the ESC, the composition of the ESC in terms of the representatives of employees and the representatives of employers remains unchanged until the entry into force of the legislation governing the representation of trade unions and employers at the national level.

          At today's session, the ESC noted the importance of the participation of social partners in the 2017 European Semester. Ministries will make sure that social partners are involved in the preparation of the provisional time frame for the adoption of the 2017 European Semester document. The Government will inform the ESC of the manner of social partners' involvement in the process of preparing the National Reform Programme documents and the Stability Programme.

          The ESC also held consultations on the minimum wage adjustment for 2017.


          At today's formal session the representatives of the Government and of social partners signed the new rules governing the functioning of the Economic and Social Council, which will be an important basis for enhancing social dialogue.

          After the signature the Council members were addressed first by the Minister of labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities and chairperson of the Economic and Social Council, Dr. Anja Kopač Mrak, who stressed that the Council remains the ultimate forum for social dialogue, and that the new rules will contribute to make it even more efficient.

          In his address the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Marjan Mačkošek, suggested that social dialogue is one of the bases for a democratic society. He emphasized that the understanding of mutual dependence, identification of common interests and greater respect could bring about faster and more advantageous economic results for Slovenia.

          The President of the Slovenian Association of Free Trade Unions, Dušan Semolič, also highlighted the significance of the adopted rules which he considers a perfect tool that will allow, in an atmosphere of good will, sincerity and readiness, to work more efficiently.

          Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

          297th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 16 December 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the proposed Public Finance Act. Members of the ESC may submit additional comments on the above proposal to the Ministry of Finance by 6 January 2017. The employers' side of ESC expressed their support to the proposal.

          The members of the ESC also took note of the European Agenda for a Collaborative Economy. Social partners highlighted the necessity to discuss the Agenda within the ESC also in the future. The ESC then took note of the document Older people and the labour market in Slovenia and the relevant Action plan of measures. Members of the ESC agreed that social partners will actively participate in the process of adopting individual measures.
          The ESC also took note of the annual report of the Public Guarantee, Maintenance and Disability Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for 2015.

          296th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 9 December 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the draft Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council and set the timeframe for their enforcement.

          The next session of the Economic and Social Council is scheduled for Friday 16 December 2016.

          295th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 25 November 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the proposed law on apprenticeship. The representatives of employers expressed their support for the proposed law. As the trade unions in the discussion voiced their concern about the protection of the rights and role of trade unions, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport will invite the members of the Economic and Social Council to a meeting.

          The next session is scheduled for Friday, 9 December 2016.

          294th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 18 November 2016

          Upon the proposal of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) at its 294th session discussed the proposed amendments to the labour market provisions of the Employment Relationships Act, Labour Market Regulation Act and Labour Inspection Act. Social partners will continue with the harmonisation of the proposed legislative amendments.

          The next session of the ESC is scheduled for 25 November 2016.

          293rd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 11 November 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the draft Pension Scheme of Compulsory Occupational Insurance, but did not reach consensus on individual elements of the pension scheme, i.e. on contribution rate, solidarity reserve and management fee amounts.

          The next ESC session is scheduled for Friday, 18 November 2016.

          292nd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 30 September 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the proposed law amending the Health Services Act and endorsed it with minor amendments.

          291st SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 2 September 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the report on EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) negotiations and called upon the Government to propose, at the EU Council meeting, to postpone the signature of CETA until the final decision in the case Opinion 2/15 is taken. It also called upon the Government to submit to the Court of Justice of the European Union a request for an opinion on the compliance of a bilateral investment tribunal with the EU acquis.

          The ESC also discussed the Report on the implementation and effects of the Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment Act for 2015 and took note of the document Older people and the labour market in Slovenia. The document was assessed as very positive by social partners that were asked to submit their views and comments to the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities by 16 September 2016. The ESC will include the final document in the agenda of the ESC session before the document is submitted for discussion to the Government.


          At its 290th session, the Economic and Social Council discussed social dialogue in Slovenia. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Miro Cerar, has undertaken to improve mutual relations between the social partners and to include both trade unions and employers in the decision-making and legislative processes.

          Trade unions and employers welcomed the Prime Minister’s intention and at the same time, expressed their hope that the future cooperation will meet their expectations. They would like the government to be more responsive to their proposals and initiatives, to facilitate enhanced mutual cooperation and communication, and to be treated as key stakeholders in adopting legislation which is important for both trade unions and employers.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the proposal of policies of the Energy Concept of Slovenia drafted by the Ministry of Infrastructure.

          The ESC took note of the Annual report on the implementation of state measures on the labour market in 2015 and issued a positive opinion. The ESC also took note of the Decree on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

          The Ministry of Health notified the social partners on the drafting of the rules on occupational diseases.

          The next meeting of the Economic and Social Council is scheduled for Friday 10 June 2016.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) considered the White Paper on Pensions, assessing that it provides a good platform for further talks on the pension system. The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities will draft a timeline for further work. At the next session, social partners hope to have an update on the progress made regarding the law governing the demographic fund and the rules on occupational diseases.

          The ESC agreed with the starting points for the participation of a tripartite delegation of the Republic of Slovenia at the 105th regular session of the International Labour Conference to be held from 30 May to 11 June 2016 in Geneva

          287th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 15 April 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council discussed the Framework for the Preparation of the General Government Budget for the period 2017–2019 and a draft of the 2016 Stability Pact.

          Social partners have opposed the proposed measures by which the Government wants to achieve a gradual reduction of the state budget deficit by 2020; namely, the trade unions believe that the proposed austerity measures are too strict while the employers are convinced that the Government should further reduce spending.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the second draft National Reform Programme for 2016 – 2017, which the social partners may supplement in the form of amendments by Monday, 11 April 2016. At the ESC’s next meeting, the draft Stability Programme for 2016 will be discussed.

          In the continuation of the session, the ESC was briefed on the current situation in the CETA and TTIP negotiations. The social partners expect stronger participation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in providing information, therefore the ESC’s line ministry will report on the progress in these negotiations twice a year. The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology will also submit a written response to the comments and suggestions of the social partners made in the today’s debate.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the issue of precarious work, the report on the situation on digital literacy in Slovenia and of the preparation of a network of public institutions for adult education.

          It was also informed of the work performed to date by the working group preparing the draft act on transnational provision of services and called on the group to continue with the procedure of drawing up the aforementioned draft act.

          At the next session to take place on Friday, 8th April 2016, the ESC will discuss the second draft of the National Reform Programme 2016–2017.

          284th MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 16 March 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the draft National Reform Programme 2016–2017.

          During the discussion, social partners made comments and proposals which will be considered and presented by the Ministry of Finance within the framework of the second Draft National Reform Programme 2016–2017 at the beginning of April.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the issue of logistics in Slovenia, the importance of the logistics of the Port of Koper, the Slovenian Railways and the second railway track for the development of the Slovenian economy, and the importance of investments in their infrastructure.

          In the discussion, the social partners voiced their expectations that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia will take all appropriate steps to ensure proper support to the branch of logistics linked to the activities of the port, and to ensure investments in the public railway structure following the example of other European countries. They also expressed their expectations that there will be no interferences with the changes to the present management model of the Port of Koper. In the closing discussion, the ESC members unanimously confirmed both proposed conclusions.

          282nd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 5 February 2016

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) re-examined the contents of the draft Act amending the Referendum and Public Initiative Act.

          281st SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 22 January 2016

          The Economic and Social Council agrees with the proposal of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to leave the amount of the minimum wage, which was EUR 790.73 in 2015, unchanged in 2016.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the Plan for the implementation of active employment policy measures for 2016 and 2017. Social partners welcomed the increase of funds earmarked for the implementation of the active employment policy, expressed their wish to cooperate in the preparation of these measures and asked to be presented with the evaluation of effects of the planned measures.

          At the 280th regular session which followed the 279th session, the ESC members and their deputies took note of the Report of the Working group for monitoring the effects of amendments to the labour market regulation in 2013. In this connection the social partners proposed that a discussion on the movement of labour market elements be carried out on a yearly basis.

          The ESC also took note of the Report of the Slovenian Labour Inspectorate for the year 2014. The ESC agreed that it was necessary to enhance activities and means for the prevention of infringements in this field and asked the Government to take into consideration, when drafting new regulations, the conclusions of the Report of the Slovenian Labour Inspectorate.

          The ESC also took note of the 15th Report of the Republic of Slovenia on the implementation of the European Social Charter.

          In March the ESC will discuss the issue of precarious work.

          279th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 18 December 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the Resolution on the National Plan for Health Care 2015–2025. In the discussion, the social partners confirmed the Resolution and submitted proposals for its amendment which should be considered by the Ministry of Health and coordinated with the social partners in the future phases until the final drafting of the Resolution and its adoption by the National Assembly.

          According to the information regarding the draft act on social entrepreneurship the ESC agreed that the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology should involve the social partners into further coordination of the act by setting up a working group within the ESC and by presenting the draft social entrepreneurship act at the ESC session as soon as the ESC members state their position on the act.

          Withdrawal of employer associations and chambers from the Social Contract for the 2015-2016 period - 2 December 2015

          Association of Employers of Slovenia, Association of Employers in Craft and Small Business of Slovenia and Slovenian Chamber of Commerce withdrew from the Social Contract for the 2015-2016 period on 27 November 2015.

          They stated in their letter that according to the Social Contract, fundamental issues from the fields of labour legislation, health care and pension insurance as well as wage system require a consensus of all social partners, i.e. the Government, trade unions and employers. They also stated that the Social Contract stipulates that collective agreements constitute a foundation for determining the scale and method of calculating wages in the private sector, and that the level of legal certainty, people's trust in the legal system and the work of state and judicial authorities also depend on how rights are exercised in practice, the duration of administrative and judicial procedures, the accessibility of legal remedies and predictability and stability of legal norms.

          They believe that two social partners essentially violated at least three provisions of the Social Contract by the manner of adopting one of the fundamental laws from the field of labour legislation, i.e. the Act Amending the Minimum Wage Act, which they find completely unacceptable. In their opinion, this manner of adopting the Act has strongly undermined the trust among the social partners and disabled the social dialogue in Slovenia.

          On 1 December 2015, the last member of employer organisations, i.e. the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, withdrew from the Social Contract. This was done on the basis of an unanimous decision of its management board.

          The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia was not among the signatories of the Social Contract for the 2015-2016 period.

          278th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 12 November 2015

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia position on the Act regulating the settlement of financial obligations of the Republic of Slovenia arising from the pension and disability insurance system.

          The next session scheduled for Friday, 20 November 2015, will address issues of tax legislation.


          The Economic and Social Council did not reach a consensus on the proposed Act Amending the Pension and Disability Insurance Act.

          The next session is scheduled for Friday 6 November 2015.

          277th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 16 October 2015

          At today's session, the members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) and their deputies discussed the further work of the ESC.

          276th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 14 October 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (ESC) considered the proposed Act Amending the Pension and Disability Insurance Act. Since no agreement was reached on the proposal, they decided to discuss it again next Wednesday.

          The ESC also endorsed the Occupational Pensions Scheme and the Scheme for the Payment of Occupational Pensions, and discussed the guidelines for the implementation of active employment policy measures for the period 2016–2020.

          275th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL - 9 October 2015

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the proposed Budgets of the Republic of Slovenia for 2016 and 2017 and the proposed Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budgets for 2016 and 2017. The Social Council members called on the Government to review their proposals and to state its positions on the proposals and consider them to the greatest extent possible. At the same time, they expressed their wish to be informed of the decisions.

          The Economic and Social Council also discussed the proposed Act amending the Value Added Tax Act.

          As of today, a one-year Presidency of the Economic and Social Council was assumed by the Trade Union side.

          274th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 18 September 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (ESC) was briefed on the implementation of the Social Contract for the period 2015-2016 and took note of the views of the three social partners. Meeting commitments under the Social Contract will be again reviewed in March 2016.

          The ESC will discuss its work at a special session. The next session is planned for 9 October 2015.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) was briefed on problems concerning the funding of the public service of nature conservation. The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning will resume the discussion of possible solutions to this issue with the trade unions in September.

          The ESC completed its debate on the realisation of the resolution concerning the agenda item “Implementing Plan for the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014–2020” and adopted the position that it will continue to insist on an equal division of funds between NGOs and social partners in the financial perspective 2014–2020, and on respect for the representative social partners and their views.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the proposed Resolution on the National Plan of Health Care 2015 – 2025 and recommended to the Ministry of Health to consider the comments resulting from the debate and to present once again the amended resolution at the meeting of the ESC.

          The ESC also provided a proposal for the appointment of the Slovenian members of the European Economic and Social Council for the period 2015–2020.


          The Economic and Social Council took note of the proposed law on the fiscal rule. The employers' representatives supported the proposed law, whereas the trade union representatives did not support it.


          The Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the draft Public Procurement Act and proposed to the Ministry of Public Administration to incorporate, to the greatest extent possible, the comments and proposals from today's discussion into the Act before it is adopted by the Government.

          Following the presentation of the draft Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, the ESC called upon the Government and its competent offices to allow for the equal distribution of funds among non-governmental organisations and social partners in priority axis 11, and thus comply with the provisions of the signed Social Contract, the EU instruments and the guidelines of the European Commissioner, who considers the social dialogue and strong social partners to play an important role in ensuring sustainable development.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the proposed Decree on the method of determining and calculating the contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources. During the discussion, the social partners exchanged different views and highlighted concerns of the small businesses as well as trade unions with regard to the final price of the electricity for households.

          The ESC also took note of the proposed decision on specifying the share of network charge for funding the Energy Agency for 2015.

          European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis meets social partners on recommendations for Slovenia – 5 June 2015

          The Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis met the members of the Economic and Social Council (ESC). At the meeting, he presented the European Commission's recommendations for Slovenia within the European Semester. Recommendations from Brussels contained several concrete proposals for the measures to be taken with regard to the budget and reform. The Commission pinpointed challenges in seven areas: public finance, health care, banks and access to financing, labour market, wage setting, pension system and the modernisation of public administration and of the rule of law. The ESC members pointed out the issue of the minimum wage and drew attention to the evaluation of the existing programmes and to the reduction of funds allocated to active employment policy. They also highlighted the issues of precarity on the labour market, youth unemployment as well as pension and health system reforms.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) was acquainted with the work of the Government project groups for economic democracy and precarious work. In compliance with the current practice, the ESC establishes working groups and appoints its representatives in the working groups.

          The ESC agreed with the changes to the Active Employment Policy Action Plan for 2015 and took note of the Annual Report on the Implementation of Active Employment Policy Measures for 2014 and the Report on the implementation and effects of the Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment Act for 2014.

          In considering the proposed Act amending the Takeovers Act, the ESC adopted the decision that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia would, within its competences, examine and take into account comments made by social partners during the discussion.

          The ESC suspended the session and next week it will continue to discuss the proposed Decree on the method of determining and calculating the contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources and the proposed decision on specifying the share of network charge for funding the Energy Agency for 2015.


          The Economic and Social Council took note of the proposed law on tax certification of invoices. The Ministry of Finance will examine the comments and suggestions made in the today's debate in order to consider them as far as possible. The Ministry will also continue to participate in the preparation of implementing regulations and implementing activities.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESS) continued the discussion on the Draft National Reform Programme 2015–2016 and took note of the document of 23 April 2015. The ESS proposes that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia should examine the comments made in the discussion and include them, to the greatest extent possible, in the document which it will adopt at its session next week.

          267th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 23 April 2015

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council was briefed on the Strategy for the Management of Capital Investments of the Republic of Slovenia. The Ministry of Finance will examine the comments and suggestions made in today's debate and also invite the social partners to submit written observations and suggestions by the end of next week.

          266th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 17 April 2015

          The Economic and Social Council endorsed the Guidelines for the promotion of health in the workplace. The Guidelines have been drafted on the basis of directions provided by the following institutions: the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the University Medical Centre – Institute of Occupational, Traffic, and Sports Medicine and the National Institute of Public Health.

          The Economic and Social Council started a discussion on two drafts, namely the National Reform Programme 2015 – 2016 and Stability Programme 2015, and is expected to continue its debate on Friday 24 April 2015.


          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) endorsed the comprehensive plan of tax policy measures for 2015. Most members of the ESC were of the opinion that members of the steering committee should be those social partners which have signed the social agreement.

          The ESC took note of the insurance act proposal and tasked the Ministry of Finance to examine the proposals put forward in the discussion.

          The ESC also took note of the initiative jointly presented by the Slovenian Association of Free Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to ratify the ILO Convention No. 94 concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts and of the position on this initiative presented by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

          264th MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 27 March 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) today took note of the Quarterly Report of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding on the Governance of Capital Investments for the period 1 October - 31 December 2014.

          The ESC also took note of the Corporate Governance of Capital Investments Strategy. The Ministry of Finance will examine the comments and suggestions received and prepare the final version of the proposed strategy by 10 April this year.

          263rd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 13 March 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the positions and strategies for drafting the National Reform Programme 2015 – 2016. The members of the ESC shall submit proposals on separate objectives and measures no later than 20 March 2015. After the preparation of the Draft National Reform Programme, the ESC will discuss complete contents of the Draft at the session envisaged 3 April 2015..

          In the continuation of the session, the ESC reviewed the Draft Act amending the Trade Act and took note of the positions of the social partners. However, the ESC has not reached a consensus on the contents of the proposed amendments.

          262nd SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 20 February 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the adult education issue and called on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, to prepare a network of public adult education institutions by the end of the year.

          The ESC also took note of the recourse claims issue. Employers will prepare a more detailed solution proposal by one of the next sessions.

          The ESC supported the proposed act on the employment, self-employment and work of aliens.

          261st SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 12 February 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) took note of the draft revised budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2015 and the draft Act amending the Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2014 and 2015 Act.

          The next session of the ESC will be held on Friday, 20 February 2015.

          260th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 6 February 2015

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: the ESC) discussed the draft Referendum and Public Initiative Act. The Ministry of Public Administration will examine the comments made in the debate and the written observations submitted following the public discussion.

          The ESC took note of the information on the negotiations to conclude the EU–Canada Comprehensive Trade and Economic Agreement (CETA), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the USA (TTIP) and the Trade In Services Agreement (TiSA). It was also informed of the 14th report of the Republic of Slovenia on the implementation of the European Social Charter (revised) – protection of children, family and migrants – covering the period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2013.


          On 5 February 2015, the Social Contract for 2015–2016 was signed by the representatives of the Government, all representative trade unions and employers’ organisations, except the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, which had not participated in negotiations.


          The Economic and Social Council adopted, by correspondence, a decision to adjust the minimum wage to a 0.2% increase established in consumer prices; thus, the 2014 minimum wage of EUR 789.15 increased to EUR 790.73 from January 2015 on.

          259th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 19 December 2014

          The Economic and Social Council (hereinafter: ESC) took note of negative consequences of new burdens on the economy pointed out by social partners. The ESC was also briefed on the topical issues in the tourism industry. As the present strategy has expired, social partners wish to cooperate in drawing up the new one. Next, the ESC received the information about the work of the EU project group for investments and about the list of Slovenian projects. The session closed by the ESC supporting the 2015 - 2019 scholarship policy.

          258th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 5 December 2014

          The Economic and Social Council (the ESC) today took note of a survey of the management of health and safety at work conducted with employers in Slovenia and the effects of the new legislation in the field of health and safety at work, and called upon the Council for Health and Safety at Work to perform its work more efficiently.

          The ESC also took note of the draft plan for the implementation of active employment policy measures for 2015 and called on the Government to provide funds from the revised budget for 2015 to enable the adequate and effective implementation of the active employment policy programmes.

          The representative of the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy outlined the Partnership Agreement between Slovenia and the European Commission for the period 2014–2020 and the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020.


          This year's meeting of the presidents and secretaries-general of the Economic and Social Councils (ESCs) of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic and Social Committee (the EESC) was held on 13 and 14 November 2014 in Paris, France.

          During the first part of the meeting, Yves Veyrier, the President of the Section for European and International Affairs of the French ESC, presented the results of the survey about the role of ESCs and the expectations of civil society towards the European Union.

          Stefano Palmieri, the President of the Europe 2020 Steering Committee of the EESC, gave a report on the Europe 2020 Strategy. The report will also be presented at an international conference to be held on 4 and 5 December 2014 in Rome, Italy, in preparation for the March 2015 European Council.

          The representatives of the EESC and the presidents and secretaries-general of the ESCs put forward a set of guidelines, mapping out Europe's way forward for the next five years.

          During the second part of the meeting, a symposium on European Economic and Social Councils and the expectations of European civil society was held, consisting of four round-table discussions with over 160 participants.

          Final Declaration of the ESCs:Final Declaration of the ESCs.docx

          Vir: ESEC


          Today the Economic and Social Council took note of the revised budget 2014 and of proposed measures for the revised budget 2015.

          The Council also adopted a decision on the cooperation of social partners in the working group to analyse the financial burden devolving upon different forms of activity.

          257th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL - 4 November 2014

          At today’s session of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), the Minister of Finance, Dr Dušan Mramor, briefed the social partners on measures to balance the state budget, the revised budget for 2014, and measures relating to the revised budget for 2015.

          The ESC will resume its session on Wednesday, 12 November 2014.

          256th MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 24 October 2014

          At today’s session, the Economic and Social Council (ESC) took note of the reports of the Tax Administration and the Customs Administration on the tax debt balance and trends as of 31 December 2013.

          The ESC is aware of the importance of digital literacy for the enhanced competitiveness of the economy and expects all stakeholders to participate in increasing digital literacy and investing in infrastructure. The ESC will discuss the state of digital literacy in Slovenia at least once a year.

          The ESC also took note of the draft report on the implementation of Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time. Social partners will submit their views and comments to the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities by 29 October 2014.

          The ESC supports the proposal to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006).

          255th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 17 October 2014

          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council was briefed on the issues concerning privatisation and/or sale of state-owned assets. The ESC adopted a decision on the cooperation of social partners in drafting the strategy on state asset management. They also agreed to promptly activate the Economic and Social Expert Committee and establish a demographic fund which will be supplied by the proceeds from the sale of state-owned assets.

          The ESC adopted a decision inviting the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Ministry of Finance to draft proposals for legislative amendments in the field of (non-)payment of contributions for pension and disability insurance.

          The next ESC session is scheduled for Friday, 24 October 2014.

          254th MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 3 October 2014

          At today’s session of the Economic and Social Council, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and social partners agreed on the course of action regarding the conclusion of a social agreement.

          The Economic and Social Council adopted a decision that, on the basis of today’s debate, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities should draw up amendments to the draft law on the register of insured persons and beneficiaries of rights provided under pension and disability insurance. The new provisions would resolve the current situation so that retired craftsman who continued to carry out their activity and received decisions requiring them to return their pensions would not have to return them.

          The next session of the Economic and Social Council is scheduled for 17 October 2014.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the Report on the tax supervision of outflows into more favourable tax treatment territories submitted by the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

          The ESC adopted a decision with a proposal to the future Government of the RS to prepare an action plan aimed at increasing the number of employed persons, i.e. active working population (including relevant priorities and restructuring of different areas and programmes) based on expert positions.


          On today’s meeting, the Economic and Social Council took note of the Report on Activities and Results of the Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment for 2013 and of the information on bankruptcy proceedings of AHA Mura.

          The next meeting of the ESC will be held on Friday, 20 June 2014.


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council was briefed on the issues concerning the Decree regulating the provision of public utility services for maintenance of state roads. A decision was adopted that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning is to cooperate with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in examining the conditions attached to the rights of workers and/or labour legislation.

          ESC members also took note of the 2013 annual report on the labour market measures.

          The next meeting is scheduled for Friday 13 June 2014.


          This year, the Economic and Social Council celebrates its 20th anniversary. On this occasion, a ceremonial meeting of the ESC will be held in the Crystal Hall of the Presidential Palace on Friday 11 April at 14.00 hrs, at Prešernova 8, Ljubljana.

          The participants will be addressed by Anja Kopač Mrak, President of the Economic and Social Council, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Alenka Bratušek.

          The guest of honour will be the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor.

          During twenty years of its existence, the Economic and Social Council has held 250 meetings and discussed about 1000 agenda items.

          To mark this anniversary, the Economic and Social Council has issued a special publication containing a summary of its operation from the establishment up to the present day.

          Vir: UKOM
          Tamino Petelinšek/STA


          At today's session, the Economic and Social Council took note of the draft National Reform Programme 2014 – 2015.

          The Ministry of the Interior will examine the submitted comments to the bill amending the Referendum and Public Initiative Act. The Economic and Social Council will reconsider the bill before submitting it to the Government for discussion.

          The ESC members agreed with the continuation of work in the working group for the preparation of the proposed Act governing temporary and casual work of secondary-school and university students.

          249th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 28 February 2014

          Following a discussion about the proposed law governing temporary and casual work of secondary-school and university students, the Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution to hold a working group meeting next week at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to examine the proposals of social partners.

          The Ministry of Justice will examine the social partners' comments on the proposed amendments to the Enforcement and Securing of Civil Claims Act.

          The Economic and Social Council took note of the proposed law amending the Assets of Illicit Origin Forfeiture Act and agreed with the proposed amendments.

          248th SESSION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL – 17 January 2014

          The Economic and Social Council held consultations on the minimum wage adjustment to the inflation. The minimum wage for the current year is to be laid down by the minister responsible for labour after prior consultation with social partners and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. The discussion raised a question about the adequacy of the current minimum wage system.

          The ESC members also discussed the plan for the implementation of active employment policy measures for 2013 and 2014.